Kim Yong Hwee ( nick : ggoals )
- Primary Skill
- Spark
- Flink
- Angular
- React
- Secondary Skill
- Big Data : Hadoop, Hbase, Kafka, Zeppelin
- Backend( Node, Spring, .Net )
- DB : Redis, MySQL
- Etc : Elasticsearch
Career & Activities
2016 ~ Manager, Personal Recommendation Team, SKplanet
2011 ~ 2015 Developer, Innovation LAB, pupleworks (퍼플웍스)
2018 ( Current )
- MF Recommendation-Engine Enhanced&Tuning ( with Spark )
- Refactoring Architecture of Recopick( SKP’s Recommendation ) Service in AWS
- Realtime Marketing Platform ( with Flink )
- Spark/Flink Streaming for Recommendation System
- Developing Recommendation Engine ( with Spark )
- Bigdata Infra for Recommendation System
- Colloseo(SKP’s Recommendation Platform) Dashboard ( with Node, React )
- Hive, Spark ETL for Recommendation System
- BINS (Frontend & Backend with Spring & Angular) ( SNS Big Data Platform )
2011 ~ 2015
- 중국 출장 2015 wconcept 모바일 쇼핑몰 사이트 구축 ( with magento, React )
- 브라질 출장 2014 현대 자동차 월드컵 프로모션 ( Frontend & Backend )
- 중국 출장 2012 Eland Systems Mobile F/W 사내 강사 초빙 ( Frontend & Backend )
- 청년포털 사이트 구축 ( Frontend with Angular 1.3 )
- By Posting (Frontend) ( Site )
- Find Model (Frontend & Backend)Site
- Eland Mobile Office Dev & Operation
- LGU+ Ad Platform Dev
- Suhyang bluedog & bluedog baby Site Dev & Operation